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Jr Phoenix Football & Cheerleading

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to be a resident of Menomonee Falls to participate?

In order to participate in the program, the participant would have to be a resident of Menomonee Falls or attend a school within the Menomonee Falls School District. For more information on eligibility, please email [email protected].

When are football practices?

In a typical year, football practices start the first Monday of August and are Monday through Friday usually 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Once school starts, practices are then Tuesday through Thursday and go from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM latest or sunset.  Football practices go all the way through the last week of the final game of the season. Practices are conducted at the high school practice fields.

When and where are the football games played?

The typical season starts usually the second Saturday of September and goes until the 3rd or 4th Saturday of October. Games are on Saturday's in September and October. Our home games are played on the Menomonee Falls High School field, and away games are usually in Milwaukee, Waukesha, or Washington Counties, however some travel to other areas of Wisconsin may be required. We will never have to travel out of state or far enough away where you would need to stay overnight a hotel or pay travel expenses other than gas. Games are roughly an hour and a half to two hours long. There are (4) 10-Minute quarters, and a 5-Minute half-time.

Are there additional costs beyond registration?

The league will provide the helmet, shoulder pads, two jerseys (home and away), and games pants to all who participate (this is included in the registration fees) and these items are collected back at the end of the season. Game socks will also be provided to the boys at no cost. 

Parents are responsible for purchasing the following items:  practice shirt(s), shorts and/or pants, knee pads, practice socks, cleats, mouthguards, chin straps, athletic sports cup, and girdles. As we get closer towards the season, information from a supplier of these items will go out to all the parents and you can feel free to purchase these items from them. (You do not have to use the supplier that we work with, but it is an option for you.) They will provide you with information on what the kids should have and what we are looking for. You are free to purchase these items from anywhere you like. 

Are there any volunteer requirements from participating families? 

Each family is required to volunteer 4 hours to the program. If volunteer hours are met, the $50 fee that was deposited in registration will be refunded on equipment return day at the end of the season. Valid volunteer hours include: coaching, safety crew, board member, concessions, assisting at equipment pickup and return, and other board approved events and activities.

The 'Volunteer Tracking Form' must be completed in its entirety. Each entry on the form must include: date, number of hours, the eligible volunteer duty completed, and an authorized signature in order to be valid. Hours are measured in 15 minute increments.

Eligible Volunteer Events:  Safety Crew - Concessions - Equipment Handout - Equipment Return -  Other Board of Director authorized events (watch emails, social media, or website for updates)

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Junior Phoenix Program and your hours are very much appreciated!!

Are there any fundraising requirements? 

The Menomonee Falls Junior Phoenix Cheer and Football program is a non-profit, self-funded organization. Every year, we look for opportunities for the families that participate to help raise funds for the program. As you can imagine, there are a number of expenses that go into the program, and to keep the registration fees low, we have several fund raising campaigns thought the season. Some of these fund raising events include selling cookie dough, and raising funds through a donations site called "Click". We ask that each family make an honest effort to raise at least $100 for the project.  For families that opt out of the fundraising opportunities, we do offer a "buy-out" option during registration. 

How are safety related issues handled? 

The Menomonee Falls Junior Phoenix Cheer and Football program takes the safety of all participants and volunteers very seriously. Please feel free to visit our 'Safety Information' for more information as it relates to certain topics such as concussion protocols, heat and weather safety issues, COVID-19 related protocols, and other links to CDC topics regarding Youth Sports. 

We do have a medical professional on the Board of Directors that oversee's all safety related incidents that occur during practices and games. At each practice there is a safety crew that tends to each incident during practices, and during games we have professional trainers at each of the fields to ensure the safety of the participants. As well as all the safety crew and trainers that we have involved, all of the football coaches that coach each grade are certified from USA Football in proper tackling techniques to help ensure safety procedures are followed. 

Can we have a partial refund if we only play part of the season?

No, refunds will not be offered if you withdraw after you have registered which is our standard policy. Due to all the expenses that are involved with each registration (i.e. insurance, equipment preparation, scheduling referees for number of anticipated teams, etc.) These fees can not be refunded, except in certain situations. 

Contact Us

Menomonee Falls Junior Phoenix Football and Cheerleading

PO Box 112 
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051

Email: [email protected]

Menomonee Falls Junior Phoenix Football and Cheerleading

PO Box 112 
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051

Email: [email protected]
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